The heavens declare the
glory of God
and the sky above proclaims
his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

Join us this semester as we study the book of Haggai and the book of Acts. Childcare is provided at all locations and times.

We are excited to share that our church now has unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources (it’s been called the “Netflix of video Bible studies”).
This extensive library has more than 20,000 videos from leaders like Francis Chan, Jennie Allen, Matt Chandler, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. These Bible study videos can be used as part of a group study or for personal devotions, and many series include free discussion guides and handouts.
This extensive library has more than 20,000 videos from leaders like Francis Chan, Jennie Allen, Matt Chandler, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. These Bible study videos can be used as part of a group study or for personal devotions, and many series include free discussion guides and handouts.
We believe our purpose for being is to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to fulfill the command of the Great Commission.
Showing God’s love, we strive to reach a hungry world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through obedience to the Great Commission.
Showing God’s love, we strive to reach a hungry world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through obedience to the Great Commission.
Pastor Brandon & HANNAH TUCKER

While serving as the Student Pastor & Day Care Director for over the last 8+ years, Brandon is currently serving as Interim Pastor here at Trinity. Brandon has a love for the Word of God and his desire is to help people develop a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
Recent Sermons
If you missed a Sunday, or just want to go back and take another listen, we have all of our worship services recorded and provided here and on out Trinity app. New episodes are posted weekly, so be sure to come back and listen.
Worship... Is not just the music that is played, or the hymns and choruses sung, it is an offering of ourselves, wholly, completely to HIM. We do this through singing, listening to the WORD and then responding accordingly in how we live our lives on a daily basis. What we do during our services is the corporate display of what we practice in our heart.


We at Trinity Church realize that one of the best ways for us to reach the world is to serve the world. We serve locally and globally through working in our community, supporting missionaries around the world, Operation Christmas Child and send ministry teams across the globe.
We believe our purpose for being is to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to fulfill the command of the Great Commission.
Showing God’s love, we strive to reach a hungry world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through obedience to the Great Commission.
We do this by:
Connecting people to their Creator. We believe that people are made to be in a personal relationship with the God who created them, through the person of Jesus Christ.
Training people to find a purpose for which it is worth living and dying. We believe people are made to participate with God in changing the world and impacting eternity.
Providing a community of believers who will offer authentic friendship and encouragement in the faith.
Showing God’s love, we strive to reach a hungry world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through obedience to the Great Commission.
We do this by:
Connecting people to their Creator. We believe that people are made to be in a personal relationship with the God who created them, through the person of Jesus Christ.
Training people to find a purpose for which it is worth living and dying. We believe people are made to participate with God in changing the world and impacting eternity.
Providing a community of believers who will offer authentic friendship and encouragement in the faith.
